The new catalogue features new collections, such as Heritage by the winner of the 2016 National Design Award, Mario Ruiz, which takes the famous hand weaving of this brand from Alicante as its reference. He also adapts traditional materials and formats to softer, more modern and fluid languages. Other new collections include Bay, with its teak finish from sustainable forests that captures the seafaring spirit of a yacht club, and Lis, versatile table bases that can be harmoniously combined with different collections and materials. Some of the brand’s most legendary collections, like Paralel by Gabriel Teixido, now include new pieces too (sun loungers, tables, etc.). Vicent Martínez’s Weave collection, which has always been POINT’s most award-winning collection, has also been expanded with new furniture, accessories and a black finish. Arc and Pal are other collections that include new elements. For its part, Khai, from POINT Studio, proposes a Mediterranean-inspired journey featuring woven pieces. This new catalogue is enhanced by new materials, finishes and techniques, which is why POINT remains one of the leading outdoor furniture brands.